Prices: we reserve the right to change prices frequently without notice (up or down). Prices shown include GST for Australian customers.
Postage will be calculated automatically when checking out . You can choose frome standard Post and Express . We do recommend you tick ” Insurance” since we are not liable for any losses after proof of despatch .
Please be aware that Shipping your purchased goods may take several days to arrive at your location, depending where you are located in Australia.
NOTE: Orders that need to be shipped OVERSEAS ( USA, South America ( eg. Brazil… ), Europe and the Rest of the World ) can take up to 8 weeks and your funds need to be cleared first before shipping, which can also take a few days. We do NOT ship products overseas before your funds are totally cleared.
Pictures shown are for reference purposes only and may not show all features for a particular shock type. We reserve the right to change images frequently without notice when they become available.